Research I Commodities

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ETF Securities Revises Fair Value Target as Brexit Gold Rush Continues

ETF Securities - Commodities - 27.06.2016

ETF Securities has adjusted its fair value target for gold to $1400, amid a surge in appetite for the precious metal.

Townsend Lansing, Head of ETCs at ETF Securities says the referendum result has sparked a $200m surge in appetite for gold, as investors fled to safe havens.

“We have seen a whirlwind since the early hours of Friday, with inflows nearing $200m, and there is no sign of appetite for precious metals diminishing in the first full week of the Brexit era,” he said.

“Before the referendum, we saw record inflows into our short GBP products, as clients looked to hedge Brexit risk. Some of those clients are unwinding that hedge, while others are looking to take tactical FX positions on both GBP and EUR crosses,” he added.
“Finally, investors are looking at short or leveraged equity products, in particular the 2x and 3x short FTSE 100 products in order to capitalise on uncertainty on UK equities.”

Nitesh Shah, Director – Commodities Strategist at ETF Securities: “Brexit uncertainty will weigh on cyclical commodities”

Despite the firm fundamentals behind a whole host of cyclical commodities, the continuous fog of uncertainty brought about by the UK deciding to leave the EU will weigh on their performance. The immediate impact has been clear: oil, copper and palladium have fallen 5%, 2%, and 3% respectively today while gold - a defensive asset - has gained 5%.

While the UK leaving the EU will have a negligible impact on the balance of supply and demand of most commodities in the near term, sentiment toward commodities matter for price. For example despite the fact that copper markets have been in a supply deficit over the past six years (and likely go into the seventh year of a deficit), copper prices have fallen 50% in that time frame mainly due to poor sentiment.
Some liken the ‘Brexit’ shock to the market to the Lehman shock to the market in 1998. Intraday, VIX rose from 17 to 26 (53%) and US 10-year Treasuries yields declined from 1.7% to 1.4% (-17%), both reminiscent of the day after Lehman Brothers collapsed in 2008#. Fuelling uncertainty at the time of the Lehman crisis was the depth of interconnectivity in the financial markets and fear about exposures to failing financial institutions. That uncertainty (in addition to the gridlock in the financial system) became a drag on global growth and pulled commodity prices lower. Equally, uncertainty about the UK’s relationship with the EU and other global partners could be a drag on global growth. Once again cyclical commodity prices could remain a casualty.

In the post-Lehman crisis, China undertook a large stimulus project, catapulting demand for cyclical commodities. Supply was unable to catch-up with demand, fuelling a sharp rally in commodities. China’s appetite to play the role of the ‘white knight’ this time around is likely to have waned. China is trying to target a lower rate of sustainable growth and wants to depart from policy-induced boom-bust rallies.
Cyclical commodities for now are likely to decline until there is more clarity offered to the market about the future course of the UK and global economy in the face of the political shock.

ETF Securities – The intelligent alternative

The ETF Securities Group is one of the world’s leading innovators of Exchange Traded Products (ETPs) and provides specialist investment solutions to investors around the world, enabling them to intelligently build and diversify their portfolios.

We are pioneers in specialist investments, having developed the world’s first gold exchange traded product. Today we offer one of the most innovative ranges of  specialist ETPs covering commodities, FX, equities and fixed income. Using that pioneering spirit, our unrivalled expertise and by working with best-in-class third parties, we seek out the most interesting investment opportunities and make them accessible to investors as the intelligent alternative.

To learn more about ETF Securities go to:

For further information, please contact Benedikt Seitz on:
Benedikt Seitz
Yield Public Relations Deutschland GmbH
T: + 49 (0)170/609 41 56

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Quelle: ETF Securities


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